Cinderbrew Meadery Dungeon Overview for The War Within

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  • Spouting Stout: I'pa expels mead from its body, inflicting 704837 Fire damage to all players every 2 sec for 8 sec. While expelling it also flings mead droplets at targeted locations, inflicting 45 Fire damage to enemies within 3 yards. In addition, some of these droplets form into Brew Drops.
    • Brew Drop (Heroic, Normal)
      • Oozing Honey: Upon death a pool of hot honey forms beneath the Brew Drop, inflicting 1057255 Fire damage every 1.5 sec to players standing within and reducing their movement speed by 50%.

        This honey shrinks over time.
      • Fill 'Er Up: I'pa consumes the Brew Drop if it touches it, inflicting 40 Fire damage to all players and granting I'pa a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of its maximum health.
      • Frothy: Upon reaching 100 energy the Brew Drop's movement speed is increased by 200%.

      In Mythic difficulty, Brew Drops reform after their Oozing Honey dissipates.

  • Reform: The Brew Drop reforms with full health 20 sec after it dies.
  • Oozing Honey: The Brew Drop oozes hot honey beneath it on death, inflicting 1057255 Fire damage every 1.5 sec to players standing within and reducing their movement speed by 50%.

    This honey shrinks over time, causing the Brew Drop to Reform once it dissipates.
    • Burning Fermentation: I'pa blasts multiple players with burning mead, inflicting 1233465 Fire damage every 2 sec for 16 sec.
    • Bottoms Uppercut: I'pa punches its primary target with a fist full of brew, inflciting 11806019 Physical damage and knocking them back.

    Savvy businesswoman Goldie Baronbottom knows a good opportunity when she sees it--like the Cinderbrew Meadery. After barging in and swindling Wenbrandt out of business, Goldie mostly lets her cronies do the work. Even so, she's not afraid to roll up her sleeves and wallop do-gooders herself.

    Goldie Baronbottom uses [Spread the Love!] to launch Cinderbrew Bombs into the area. Goldie's weapon attacks can set nearby Cimderbrew Bombs alight.
    Upon reaching 100 energy, Goldie casts [Let It Hail!] detonating any remaining Cinderbrew Bombs.
    • Tanks:
      [Let It Hail] detonates any remaining Cinderbrew Bombs.
      [Cindering Wounds] inflicts heavy Fire damage over a short duration to all players for each Cinderbrew Bomb that detonates.
      [Cash Cannon] ignites nearby Cinderbrew Bombs, causing them to explode. (Challenge)
    • Damage Dealers:
      [Let It Hail] detonates any remaining Cinderbrew Bombs.
      [Cindering Wounds] inflicts heavy Fire damage over a short duration to all players for each Cinderbrew Bomb that detonates.
      [Burning Ricochet] bounces to nearby players and Cinderbrew Bombs. (Challenge)
    • Healers:
      [Let It Hail] detonates any remaining Cinderbrew Bombs and inflicts heavy Physical damage to all players.
      [Cindering Wounds] inflicts heavy Fire damage over a short duration to all players for each Cinderbrew Bomb that detonates.
      [Burning Ricochet] inflicts heavy Fire damage over time to afflicted players. (Challenge)

    • Spread the Love!: Goldie Baronbottom stomps the ground, causing several Cinderbrew Bombs to fall into the room.

      On Mythic difficulty, some Cinderbrew Bombs are replaced with Volatile Barrels.

      • Cinder-BOOM!: The Cinderbrew Bombs detonate and send out waves of fire, inflicting 3524185 Fire damage to players struck and knocking them back.

        On Mythic difficulty, detonating a Volatile Barrel afflicts all players with Cindering Wounds.

        • Cindering Wounds: The explosion from the Volatile Barrel causes all players to burn, inflicting 352418 Fire damage every 1.5 sec for 6 sec.
          This effect stacks. (Challenge)
    • Let It Hail!: Upon reaching 100 energy Goldie Baronbottom fires wildly into the air, detonating all remaining Cinderbrew Bombs and inflicting 7 Fire damage to all players every 1 sec for 5 sec.
    • Burning Ricochet: Goldie arcs a bullet off of a spinning coin at random players, inflicting 704837 Fire damage with an additional 352418 Fire damage every 1.5 sec for 6 sec.
      The burning bullet bounces to other players and bombs within 5 yards.
    • Cash Cannon: Goldie Baronbottom blasts players and bombs in front of her with gold coins, inflicting 3524185 Physical damage and knocking back all players struck.

    Loot for Cinderbrew Meadery in the War Within

    Accessories Drops
    BackServiette du chef MâchonneBrew Master Aldryr
    NeckTonnelet de sauvetage sangléI'pa
    FingerBague de 85 ans de carrièreGoldie Baronbottom
    Cloth Drops
    HelmCapuche imprégnée de BrassecendreI'pa
    ShoulderMantelet d’affaires lucrativesGoldie Baronbottom
    HandsGants apiaires percésBenk Buzzbee
    Leather Drops
    ShoulderPerche à cendrabeille ignifugéeBenk Buzzbee
    WristCoups de poing mal en pointBrew Master Aldryr
    WaistBaudrier d’ouvrier de la brasserieI'pa
    FeetBottes à sangles casse-reinsGoldie Baronbottom
    Mail Drops
    HelmCasquette « Meilleure DRH d’Azeroth »Goldie Baronbottom
    WristGardebières pâles d’I’paI'pa
    LegsBottines à pollenBenk Buzzbee
    Plate Drops
    ShouldersEspauliers moussusBrew Master Aldryr
    ChestPlaques d’affaires anti-entaillesGoldie Baronbottom
    WristCendrecrispins duveteuxBenk Buzzbee
    FeetGrandes bottes couvertes de houblonI'pa
    Trinket Drops
    Agility/StrengthBourdonneur de miel voraceBenk Buzzbee
    N/A (Tanks)Chope de BrassecendreBrew Master Aldryr
    IntellectBiéraliseur synergétiqueGoldie Baronbottom

    One-Handed Weapon Drops
    MaceAgilityÉcraseuse des désarçonnésBrew Master Aldryr
    AxeStrengthPartageuse de bénéficesGoldie Baronbottom
    DaggerIntellectKriss ardent de la successionBenk Buzzbee
    Off-Hand and Shield Drops
    I'paIntellectCalice de la boissonI'pa
    Two-Handed Weapon Drops
    MaceStrengthTouillette brise-rucheBenk Buzzbee
    StaffAgilityMélangeur collantI'pa

    Profession Drops
    LeatherworkingBoucle de l’abeille affairéeGoldie Baronbottom
    TailoringToque artisanaleGoldie Baronbottom

    Dungeon Pet in Cinderbrew Meadery

    There is an adorable Dungeon Pet available to players from the end boss Goldie Baronnie on any difficulty. This bee is known as Bop and features a cowboy hat on its head!

    Hivebreaker's Dipper

    This item has a unique transmog to it to fit with the Beekeeping scene of this dungeon!

    Achievements for Cinderbrew Meadery in the War Within

    There are four Achievements that can be earned in Cinderbrew Meadery.