Quick Facts

Feasting Baron's Pack

Feasting Baron's Pack

Hands: The Mailed Fist
Feet: The Tyrant
Waist: The Gaoler
Neck: The Subjugator
Finger: The Turnkey
Finger: The Prisoner
Wrist: The Victor
Wrist: The Lamenter
  • Increases the duration of your harmful effects by 30%. (2 set items equipped)
  • Increases damage done from all sources by 20% to enemies suffering under your loss of control effects. (4 set items equipped)
  • Unleash a nova of ice each time you defeat an enemy afflicted by your loss of control effects, dealing 1680 damage to nearby enemies and Freezing them for 4 seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every 40 seconds. (6 set items equipped)

