"Necromancer Legendary Items Guide for Diablo Immortal" 변경 기록

  • 2022/09/15 시간 11:01: Updated with new legendaries Devorta (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/08/04 시간 07:45: Finished updating for Season Three CinereousStyx (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/07/22 시간 11:18: the article said there were 42 legendary items and 7 per slot. This changed when the developers added 1 new legendary item per slot at launch, plus one new per slot in the July 20, 2022 patch. Now there are 54 legendary items and 9 per slot. Medievaldragon (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/07/22 시간 11:01: Added Arc of Misery to the Weakest skills section. Medievaldragon (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/07/22 시간 10:52: fixed -- moved a legendary item box within the main box, along with the other items. Medievaldragon (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/07/22 시간 10:49: updated based on the July 20, 2022 patch which added a new Legendary Item per slot. Medievaldragon (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/06/24 시간 16:01: updated several % values changed from Beta to Live. Medievaldragon (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/06/24 시간 15:36: update: added 1 new legendary item per slot: head, torso, shoulder, leg, main hand and offhand. Removed the temp images as now the database was added and it contains a built-in icon. As was, it was now showing my image icon and the database icon. redundant. Medievaldragon (이)가 작성함
  • 2022/06/10 시간 09:58: update RenataKane (이)가 작성함
  • 승인됨 상태로 변경됨: 2022/05/28 시간 08:22