[Changelog For "Necromancer Overview Guide for Diablo Immortal "]

  • 2022/08/04,07:55: Error in insertion Guide fixed 来自 CinereousStyx
  • 2022/08/04,07:53: Added About the Author 来自 CinereousStyx
  • 2022/08/04,07:46: Finished updating for Season Three 来自 CinereousStyx
  • 2022/07/28,13:10: highlighted benefits of the Shared Service legendary item in PvP 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/07/28,13:07: fixed the number of activities 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/07/28,13:05: missed a equip item ID number. fixed. 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/07/28,13:02: added Season 2 new legendary items in the Overview section. 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/07/06,10:31: Added links to tips on leveling a necro 来自 CinereousStyx
  • 2022/07/04,13:53: Added the 3 Recommended Builds CTA 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/07/04,13:35: updated the Paragon trees, added the Mastermind paragon tree which was missing in Beta, and added the location of the Recommended Build icon which is now located to the left of the weapon slot. It was next to the Charm slot back in Beta. 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/07/04,13:19: updated to reflect post-launch changes 来自 Medievaldragon
  • 2022/06/10,09:57: update 来自 RenataKane
  • [Status set to 同意]: 2022/05/28,08:03