Quick Facts

Blood Lance

Blood Lance
Essence Cost: 15
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Throw a blood lance that lingers in an enemy for 3 seconds, dealing 80% damage to the enemy and all other lanced enemies.

Blood Lance pierces through enemies who are currently lanced, dealing 10% reduced damage to subsequent enemies after the first.


Supernatural Blood Lance
Blood Lance deals 15%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage and 15%[x] increased Overpower damage.
Enhanced Blood Lance
After casting Blood Lance 8 times, your next cast of Blood Lance is guaranteed to Overpower and spawns a Blood Orb under the first enemy hit.
Paranormal Blood Lance
While at least 2 targets or a Boss are affected by Blood Lance, you gain 15%[+] Attack Speed and Blood Lance's Essence cost is reduced by 3.


