Ohhh man I want that shield of Liadrin's.
Bolvar's daughter, Arthas' sister, updated Uther model. Yeah there's definitely something lich going on.
8 Alliance - 9 if you include Manny's horse (yes, those Nelf archers count as separate ones)3 HordeSeems about right for how this expansion's going so far. *facepalms**sends up a damp firecracker* For the Horde!
lich king throwback eh, what next deathwing/ragnaros throwback?
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE NE ARMOR ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Finally even Rexxar's time has come. And his new model is soooo pretty:)
Can't wait for the Smut community to do its work with that Nelf Armor.
Kinda ironic that now we're getting upright orcs but Grom, the OG upright orc, doesn't get to have good posture. I guess he's just too old for that now!
That awkward moment, when Anduin's horse gets updated unique model ahead of BElven or Dwarven leaders.
The night elves do not count individually. It's armor. Not models.
SHALAMAYNE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOL. I wanted it as an artifact for arms warriors but i get stupid Strom'kar :(
still can't wait for cinematic spoilers.
Elsa Proudmore