So when did Legion zones become cross server? Noticed it today.....
Anyone know if they fixed the issue where Timewalking is significantly more difficult than an un-keyed Mythic for lesser rewards?
So it seems like there's no reward for doing Ulduar Timewalking, right? Black Temple was bad enough with pugs when I went for my warglaives, but if there's no purpose, I'm staying out of it. I've got enough tokens to buy the next Timewalking mount when it comes out, so I'm in that state of "I want to but I don't since there's no point". Wish Timewalking was fun again, but scaling made it not fun.
Have fun, enjoy your time spent in the game. If Timewalking isn't your thing, no need to queue up for it.Last time around, Ulduar Timewalking took me about 7 hours. About 3/4 of the group had never experienced the mechanics before, and we almost fell apart a few times, but man was it ever a blast. What started out as me just joining a random group from the group finder, turned into something that brought out the old raid leader in myself and it was an extremely rewarding, nostalgic experience.We started with a full group of 25, and finally killed Yogg with only one person alive out of the 11 people who stayed. Made new friends, had an awesome time, and I'm looking forward to doing it again this week.If you didn't experience it last time around, I highly recommend it!
Timewalking got ruined with the new scaling some dungeons take 40-50+ min vs the 5min back then. The nexus took my group 50min ;<
So now something that is actually challenging instead of being a boring trash run is...bad...