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Sylvanas Raid Dagger Receives Unique Effect - Banshee's Blight
03/06/2021 à 02:19
The dagger that drops from the Sylvanas Raid Encounter has received a unique effect in the latest 9.1 PTR build.
Orée de la nuit
's unique effect is
Flétrissure de banshee
Your attacks apply Banshee's Blight, giving your finishers a chance to deal X shadow damage. Banshee's Blight stacks up to 4 times the more injured the target is.
While Sylvanas is primarily known for her prowess in ranged combat, in Battle for Azeroth we saw her develop new skills as part of her pact with the Jailer. In her fateful duel with Saurfang, Sylvanas demonstrated her skills with daggers and melee combat before unleashing a blast of powerful death magic.
This weapon also has a unique model, resembling the one used in the BFA cinematic, including a trailing cloud of shadowy smoke. You can try it out in the
PTR Dressing Room
And don't forget, Sylvanas also drops a special bow (
Rae’shalare, Murmure de la mort
) and quiver (
Carquois de forestier-sombre
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