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[Scale of the Dragon Lord]

[Scale of the Dragon Lord]

[Speak with Riosus and form a plan for how to dispose of the Simulacrum of the Dragon Soul.]
Безупречная чешуйка черного дракона (1)


[Bathe the Dragonscale in Shadowflame] (1)
Клинок Драконьего зуба (1)


[<Riosus listens as you recount your tale> Yes, Garek had the right of it, this is not the true Dragon Soul... and thank the titans for that. I'd feel no more comfortable with a dimwitted mortal like yourself wielding an artifact that powerful than I would the Lord of Blackrock himself. Regardless, this is still dangerous and we should see to its disposal. The original Dragon Soul was not easy to destroy. Come, let us speak of options for the disposal of this lesser simulacrum.]

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