Quick Facts

Soul of Mischief

Convince Xirath near Northdale in Eastern Plaguelands to help you gain a Soul of Mischief and use it on the Depleted Scythe of Chaos.


Talk to Xirath (1)
Suspicious Supplies placed (5)


Report to Xirath (1)


Obtain Soul of Mischief (1)


Use Soul of Mischief (1)
Suspicious Supplies (5)


Looking at the curious scythe you've brought in, I believe we need to provide it souls in order to restore it. Let's start with imps. I have an associate in the Eastern Plaguelands near Northdale that may be able to help you. Mention my name and he should be more amenable. I'll meet you in Light's Hope Chapel after you are done.
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(85468))

