Quick Facts

Everyone Knows That Bugs Can't Fly

Fight a silithid darter until you weaken it, then use your Concussive Shot skill to slow it. When it frenzies, use a Tranquilizing Shot to knock it unconscious. Tie it up, drag it back to Cenarion Hold, and secure it to the hitching post across from Commander Mar'alith's war room for further study. Return to Commander Mar'alith in Cenarion Hold when finished. You can learn Tranquilizing Shot from the raid on Molten Core.
Capture a Silithid Darter and Deliver It to Cenarion Hold (1)


From your reports it sounds like the darters are definitely faster, but we need to know more about them. If we can study one, perhaps we can figure out how to neutralize them more effectively. With your hunting skills, it should be possible to incapacitate one of the darters and bring it back here so that we can learn more about it. Track one down, wound it, rope it, and bring it back here to the cage we've set up for study.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(85248))

