Quick Facts

The Cost of Victory

Consecrate your weapon with the Blood of the Lightbringer and defeat Azgaloth in Demon Fall Canyon.
Consecrate your weapon and slay Azgaloth (1)
Blood of the Lightbringer (Provided) (1)


Thank you... for bringing me this. The blade is consecrated and will cause me considerable pain to wield, but that seems a small sacrifice to make for my... my friend. Grief comes later. For now, it's time to end this. Gather your most trusted allies and go to Demon Fall Canyon. Azgaloth may not reveal himself to you immediately, but if you issue a suitable challenge, he will answer. Take the blood and use it to consecrate your weapon and destroy him. For Aeonas, and for Ada, it's time to end this.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(85091))

