Quick Facts

A Diplomatic Mission

Make contact with a Horde Priest at the gates of Orgrimmar and gain Diplomatic Immunity by using your Diplomat Rings on each other. Then, enter Orgrimmar and speak to Dietrich Praice. You will lose Diplomatic Immunity if you stray too far from your escorting Priest or engage in combat.


Your next task will be quite difficult, <name>. You must make contact with a Horde priest who seeks the shards. You will identify each other with your rings. They will escort you into Orgrimmar, where you will need to speak with Dietrich Praice. If you can convince the priests of the Horde that our intentions are peaceful, we may have a chance at reuniting the shards.
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84327))

