Quick Facts

Dive! Dive!

Travel to the hills on the south side of Moonglade, on Kalimdor. Look for an air vortex east of the hills near the Timbermaw tunnel. Use the Dive skill of an animal companion to pierce the whirlwinds and retrieve a fragment of elemental air.
Retrieve the Air Elemental Fragment (1)


You say you be looking for Van Amburgh? We can help each other. Da druids here are concerned about some heightened elemental activity. Da elementals be swarming about a fragment of pure elemental air, which manifests a whirlwind around it, on da south side of da lake. Head to da hills and retrieve da elemental fragment. Take my bat companion, Zotl, to fly into da winds, if you do not have a flying companion of your own. Zotl be hanging in da trees nearby.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84235))

