Last Day for Horde Chopper, PvP Season Ending, WoD Build 18950, Lei Shen Key Removed in 6.0

Posted 2014/09/30 at 3:46 AM by

Key to the Palace of Lei Shen Removed in 6.0

Key to the Palace of Lei Shen is unobtainable in 6.0. This currently provided players with a nice extra bit of weekly gold if they were speedy at completing the Isle of Thunder treasure run.

If you already have a key, you can use it after 6.0. However, players after 6.0 cannot acquire these keys.

In the Hall of the Thunder King will be changed to a Legacy Feat of Strength and not required for the Stormbreaker meta. In addition, there will be a new way to get Elder Charm of Good Fortune.


In WoW Patch 6.0.2, we will be retiring the Achievement In The Hall Of The Thunder King, as the treasure room will no longer be accessible. That achievement will become a Feat of Strength, and Elder Charm of Good Fortune will drop in place of the key to the room.

We've also added this information to our guide covering unobtainable content in 6.0!

Currently, the Treasure run is a good source for:

Last Chance for the Horde Chopper

Today, September 30th, is the last day for you to log on a character for your Warlord's Deathwheel! Do keep in mind that only your Horde characters can use it and the Alliance version, Champion's Treadblade, will be available at a later point.

Click on the image to view its animations in our 3D Modelviewer!

You do not need to log in on multiple characters to get the mount:


Don’t miss the opportunity to claim your Horde chopper. Log in now to reserve this mechanical marvel for your collection before it’s too late!

Anyone who logs in to the game between now* and September 30, 2014 will automatically have their account flagged to receive the Horde chopper upon the release of the upcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion. Everyone can (and should!) claim their chopper by logging in now, but as a reminder, only your Horde characters will be able to mount up and take it for a ride.

Didn’t see the Azeroth Choppers series? You can still watch it here!

*Anyone who logs in between July 24, 2014- September 30, 2014 will have their account flagged to receive the Horde Chopper.

WoD Build 18950

Item Set Bonuses


  • Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Bonus: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Item - Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus: When you hit a target with Explosive Shot, your multistrike damage is increased by 50%15% for 3 sec.
  • Item - Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus: When Pyroblast! activates, you have a chance to cause all Pyroblasts to have no cast time and be guaranteed critical strikes for 6 sec. (Approximately 1.504 sec. (Approximately 1.00 procs per minute)
  • Item - Mage T17 Frost 2P Bonus: While Frozen Orb is active, you permanently have thegain Fingers of Frost effect.every 2.5 sec.
  • Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Bonus: Each Ice Lance cast while Frozen Orb is active reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 4%2% and increases the damage of Frostbolt by 4%2% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Item - Monk T17 Windwalker4P Bonus: While Tigereye Brew's damage effect is active, your multistrike damage is increased by 1%3% per stack of Tigereye Brew consumed.



  • Taming Draenor: Defeat all of the Pet Tamers in Draenor listed below.
    Reward removed: Quest Reward: Draenor Pet Battle Daily Quests

Battle Pet Abilities


  • : 100% Hit Chance

    Calls for canine backup, dealing 21 Beast damage and increasing damage taken by 100% for 1 rounds.


  • Feathered Frenzy: Attacks wildly, dealing 17.5 to 32.5 Flying damage and entering a frenzy for 10 rounds.

    While frenzied, damage dealt is increased by 50% and the user takes damage as if they were a Flying pet.
  • Haunt: 100% Hit Chance

    The user transforms into an unholy spirit and enters the target, dealing 10 Undead damage every round.

    While haunting a target, the user is considered dead.


Death Knight

Forum | Talent Calculator
  • : When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, while in Frost or Unholy Presence, your next Death Strike within 15 sec is free and its healing is increased by 100%.


Forum | Talent Calculator

Talents and Specialization
  • Nature's Vigil: While active, all single-target healing spells also damage a nearby enemy target for 30% of the healing done, and, all single-target healing and damage spells and abilities also heal a nearby friendly target based on the amount done, 30% for heals, 40% for damage spells.
  • Predatory Swiftness: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Healing Touch, Entangling Roots, or Rebirth instant, free, and castable in all forms, and to increase the healing done by Healing Touch by 50%20%.


Forum | Talent Calculator

Talents and Specialization
  • : Now 1.5 min cooldown


Forum | Talent Calculator


Forum | Talent Calculator
Talents and Specialization
  • Ardent Defender: Reduce damage taken by 20%8% for 10 sec. While Ardent Defender is active, the next attack that would otherwise kill you will instead cause you to be healed for 12% of your maximum health.


Forum | Talent Calculator
Talents and Specialization
  • : When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance to gain an application of Maelstrom Weapon. Each application of Maelstrom Weapon reduces the cast time and mana cost of your next Nature spell by 20% and increases its direct healing done by 20%10%. Does not apply to Ancestral Spirit or Hex. Stacks up to 5 times.


Forum | Talent Calculator
Talents and Specialization
  • : Throw a whirling axe at the target location that inflicts (182.5% of Attack power) damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec. Lasts 10 sec.



Hunter Pets


  • : Reduces all damage taken from players or their pets by 0%.
  • : Reduces all damage taken from players or their pets by 0%.



  • Lesser Versatility: New name : Lesser SpiritPermanently enchant boots to increase Spirit by 3. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600.

NPC Abilities

This section has not been analyzed extensively by our team but is included for people interested in seeing what has changed in these areas.
View changes

  • Coldflame: Inflicts 5400 Frost damage every 1 sec for 3 sec.
  • Conflagration: Sets an enemy aflame, inflicting 10%5% of maximum health as Fire damage every 1 sec and sending it into a state of panic for 4 sec. While the target is affected, the flames periodically scorch its nearby allies as well.
  • Jagged Tear: Deals 2125531 damage every 3 sec for 24 sec. Stacks.
  • Limb Rip: The hellhound tears viciously at an enemy's exposed flesh, dealing 130% of normal damage and causing a bleeding wound that deals 2125531 damage per application, every 3 sec for 24 sec.
  • Rain of Fire: Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for 337500 to 41250040500 to 49500 Fire damage over 30 sec.
  • Seed of Terrible Destruction: Plants of seed of destructive power in the target, dealing 500006000 damage over 15 sec. Upon expiring, the seed will explode for an additional 3600 damage and trigger a terrible effect.
  • Seething Hate: Seething Hate causes 42900 to 4510034125 to 35875 Shadow damage to enemies within 6 yards every 3 sec, splitting the damage with everyone hit.


View all spells


  • : Dealing damage to another player in battle causes them to receive 0% less healing from critical heals.
  • : While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 40% damage per soul.
  • : Pick the target's pocket. Steals the target's Artifact Fragments if they're carrying at least 5.
  • : Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • : The caster conjures a blast of Fel fire, inflicting 35625 to 39375 Fire damage to the target.
  • : The Blind Dragon tracks the target with his Sonic Breath!


  • Acid Spit: Spits acid at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage immediately and additional Nature damage over 6 sec.
  • Berserker Rush: Kargath cuts his way towards you dealing 125% weapon damage to all targets in front of him, as well as increasing his physical damage done by 15% every 2 sec for 20 sec. Kargath's movement speed also increases by 40%25% every 2 sec for 20 sec.
  • Berserker Rush: Kargath cuts his way towards you dealing 125% weapon damage to all targets in front of him, as well as increasing his physical damage done by 15% every 2 sec for 20 sec. Kargath's movement speed also increases by 40%25% every 2 sec for 20 sec.
  • Berserker Rush: Kargath cuts his way towards you dealing 125% weapon damage to all targets in front of him, as well as increasing his physical damage done by 15% every 2 sec for 20 sec. Kargath's movement speed also increases by 40%25% every 2 sec for 20 sec.
  • Berserker Rush: Kargath cuts his way towards you dealing 125% weapon damage to all targets in front of him, as well as increasing his physical damage done by 15% every 2 sec for 20 sec. Kargath's movement speed also increases by 40%25% every 2 sec for 20 sec.
  • Black Hole: The seed explodes, knocking back the target and creating a black hole where they were, which deals 300003600 damage every 1 sec, to enemies within 8, and pulls them in.
  • Black Hole: The seed explodes, knocking back the target and creating a black hole where they were, which deals 300003600 damage every 1 sec, to enemies within 8, and pulls them in.
  • Blade Twister: Throw a whirling axe at the target location that inflicts (182.5% of Attack power) damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Chain Hurl: Kargath uses his chain to lash the 5 closest enemies and toss them into the arena's stands.
  • : Consumes up to 4 Chi to cause the target to explode with Chi energy, causing additional effects based on Chi consumed:1+ Chi: Deals Nature damage to an enemy equal to (58.542% of Spell power) plus (58.542% of Spell power) per Chi consumed.2+ Chi: Heals yourself for (121.5%75% of Spell power) plus (121.5%75% of Spell power) per Chi consumed.3+ Chi: This healing also heals all allies within 8 yards of you.4 Chi: Also summons 8 Healing Spheres in an 8 yard radius ring around you that last 15 sec.Replaces Blackout Kick.
  • Crusader Strike: Inflicts 7125 to 7875 damage to an enemy and increases damage taken by 10%1% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Crusader Strike: Inflicts 7125 to 7875 damage to an enemy and increases damage taken by 10%1% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Curtain of Flame: Azzakel engulfs a player in Fel flame, inflicting 10000 Fire damage to the affected player every 34.5 sec for 9 sec.When Curtain of Flame deals damage, it will also spread to any other players within 5 yards of the affected player.
  • Curtain of Flame: Azzakel engulfs a player in Fel flame, inflicting 10000 Fire damage to the affected player every 34.5 sec for 9 sec.When Curtain of Flame deals damage, it will also spread to any other players within 5 yards of the affected player.
  • Curtain of Flame: Azzakel engulfs a player in Fel flame, inflicting 10000 Fire damage to the affected player every 34.5 sec for 9 sec.When Curtain of Flame deals damage, it will also spread to any other players within 5 yards of the affected player.
  • Dark Succor: When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, while in Frost or Unholy Presence, your next Death Strike within 15 sec is free and its healing is increased by 100%.$desc96279
  • Debilitating Fixation: New name : Debilitating FixationKyrak fixates on a target and channels a beam of debilitating energy, inflicting 12500 Shadow damage every 1 sec., decreasing movement speed and damage dealt.
  • Fire Bomb: The bomb explodes, damaging everyone around it for 1000002775 to 3225 Fire damage.
  • Forceful Winds: While Tigereye Brew's damage effect is active, your multistrike damage is increased by 1%3% per stack of Tigereye Brew consumed.
  • Frozen Runeblade: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Frozen Runeblade: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Frozen Runeblade Visual: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Grapple: Inflicts 20000 Physical damage to the current target and reduces their movement speed by 25%33% for 4 sec.
  • Hamstring: Reduces movement speed by 0% for until cancelled.
  • Rylak's Cunning: When you hit a target with Explosive Shot, your multistrike damage is increased by 50%15% for 3 sec.
  • Ice Shard: Each Ice Lance cast while Frozen Orb is active reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 4%2% and increases the damage of Frostbolt by 4%2% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Impale: Kargath skewers an enemy, inflicting 53750 Physical damage every 1 sec. for 8 sec. If the target survives, they take increased damage from consecutive Impales.
  • Iron Will: The Iron Maidens are bound together with Iron Will - whenever any of them is critically low on health, they will all rise to 100 Iron Fury. Every 20 seconds thereafter their damage dealt will increase by 10%1%.
  • Iron Will: The Iron Maidens are bound together with Iron Will - whenever any of them is critically low on health, they will all rise to 100 Iron Fury. Every 20 seconds thereafter their damage dealt will increase by 10%1%.
  • Iron Will: The Iron Maidens are bound together with Iron Will - whenever any of them is critically low on health, they will all rise to 100 Iron Fury. Every 20 seconds thereafter their damage dealt will increase by 10%1%.
  • Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Bonus: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Driver: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Driver: While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing 60%40% damage per soul.
  • Item - Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus: When you hit a target with Explosive Shot, your multistrike damage is increased by 50%15% for 3 sec.
  • Item - Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus: When Pyroblast! activates, you have a chance to cause all Pyroblasts to have no cast time and be guaranteed critical strikes for 6 sec. (Approximately 1.504 sec. (Approximately 1.00 procs per minute)
  • Item - Mage T17 Frost 2P Bonus: While Frozen Orb is active, you permanently have thegain Fingers of Frost effect.every 2.5 sec.
  • Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Bonus: Each Ice Lance cast while Frozen Orb is active reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 4%2% and increases the damage of Frostbolt by 4%2% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Proc Driver: Each Ice Lance cast while Frozen Orb is active reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 4%2% and increases the damage of Frostbolt by 4%2% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Item - Monk T17 Windwalker4P Bonus: While Tigereye Brew's damage effect is active, your multistrike damage is increased by 1%3% per stack of Tigereye Brew consumed.
  • : Clobber the target with your staff, dealing to damage and generating 1 Chi.
  • : Chop the target with your axe, dealing to damage and generating 1 Chi.
  • : Bludgeon the target with your mace, dealing to damage and generating 1 Chi.
  • : Slice the target with your sword, dealing to damage and generating 1 Chi.
  • : Spear the target with your polearm, dealing to damage and generating 1 Chi.
  • Jagged Tear: Deals 2125531 damage every 3 sec for 24 sec. Stacks.
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build an Engineering Works building in your Garrison.Garrison.rrbuilding91
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Engineering Works building to level 2.2.rrbuilding91
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Engineering Works building to level 3.3.rrbuilding91
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to repair the Garrison Mine.Mine.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to repair the Garrison Herb Garden.Garden.$rrbuilding29
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build the Garrison Fishing Shack.Shack.$rrbuilding64
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build the Forge building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding60
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build an Alchemy Lab building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding76
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build a Tannery building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding90
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build an Enchanter's Study building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding93
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build a Tailoring Emporium building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding94
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build a Scribe's Quarters building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding95
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build a Gem Boutique building in your Garrison.Garrison.rrbuilding96
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Fishing Shack building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding64
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Fishing Shack building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding64
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Alchemy Lab building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding76
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Alchemy Lab building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding76
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade The Forge building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding60
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade the Forge building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding60
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Enchanter's Study building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding93
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Enchanter's Study building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding93
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Scribe's Quarters building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding95
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Scribe's Quarters building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding95
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Tannery building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding90
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Gem Boutique building to level 2.2.rrbuilding96
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Gem Boutique building to level 3.3.rrbuilding96
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Tannery building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding90
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Tailoring Emporium building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding94
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Tailoring Emporium building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding94
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build a Salvage Yard building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding52
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Salvage Yard building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding52
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Salvage Yard building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding52
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build a Storehouse building in your Garrison.Garrison.$rrbuilding51
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Storehouse building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding51
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Storehouse building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding51
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Menagerie building to level 2.2.$rrbuilding42
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Menagerie building to level 3.3.$rrbuilding42
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Lunarfall Excavation to level 2.2.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Lunarfall Excavation to level 3.3.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Herb Garden to level 2.2.$rrbuilding29
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Herb Garden to level 3.3.$rrbuilding29
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build the Lunarfall Excavation.Excavation.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to build the Frostwall Mines.Mines.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Frostwall Mines to level 2.2.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Frostwall Mines to level 2.2.$rrbuilding61
  • Learning: Provides the plans needed to upgrade your Frostwall Mines to level 3.3.$rrbuilding61
  • : When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance to gain an application of Maelstrom Weapon. Each application of Maelstrom Weapon reduces the cast time and mana cost of your next Nature spell by 20% and increases its direct healing done by 20%10%. Does not apply to Ancestral Spirit or Hex. Stacks up to 5 times.
  • Magma: Increases damage taken from Magma by 25060. Stacks.
  • Predatory Swiftness: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Healing Touch, Entangling Roots, or Rebirth instant, free, and castable in all forms, and to increase the healing done by Healing Touch by 50%20%.
  • Pyromaniac: When Pyroblast! activates, you have a chance to cause all Pyroblasts to have no cast time and be guaranteed critical strikes for 6 sec. (Approximately 1.504 sec. (Approximately 1.00 procs per minute)
  • Ravager: Throw a whirling axe at the target location that inflicts (182.5% of Attack power) damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Reconstitution: Heals the caster for 10% health every 1 sec for 10 sec sec.
  • Refreshment: Restores 100% health and 100% Mana over 20 sec. Must remain seated while drinking.
  • Ripples in Time: Inflicts 195000 to 205000214500 to 225500 Arcane damage to all enemies.
  • Sands of Time: Hurls a bolt of sand at an enemy, inflicting 1072 to 11281267 to 1333 Nature damage to them.
  • Screech: The caster cries out, piercing the ears of all enemies in the area. Engaging the caster in melee combat will end the cries.
  • Seed of Terrible Destruction: Plants of seed of destructive power in the target, dealing 500006000 damage over 15 sec. Upon expiring, the seed will explode for an additional 3600 damage and trigger a terrible effect.
  • Seething Hate: Inflicts 42900 to 4510034125 to 35875 Fire damage split to allies within 6 every 3 secs.
  • Solar Detonation: The dormant Solar energy bursts outward from the victim, inflicting 23125 to 26875 Fire damage to all enemies within 51.5 yards of the victim.
  • Soulgrinder: Summon the Soulgrinder, granting you and nearby allies 335 LifestealLeech for 20 sec. Only usable in Frostfire Ridge.
  • Sticky Grenade: Deals Fire damage to the target.
  • Throw Chakram: Throws a chakram at the target
  • Throw Chakram: Throws a chakram at the target.
  • Throw Chakram: Throws a chakram at the target.
  • Time to Feed: Oshir pins his prey to the ground and rends them furiously, inflicting 1500010000 Physical damage every 1 sec for 20 sec.
  • Timeless Agility: Agility increased by 8000313. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Timeless Intellect: Intellect increased by 8000313. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Timeless Stamina: Stamina increased by 12000470. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Timeless Strength: Strength increased by 8000313. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Toss Fish: Throw this fish into the Garrison fishing pond to summon a FrostdeepLunarfall Cavedweller.
  • Void Totem: Place a Void Totem that will weaken the barrier between this world and the Twisting Nether for 102 min.

Broadcast Text:


  • Nyami! We are here -
  • What is this? Oh, no... no...
  • You have to stop them!
  • ...The protector... still answers her call... you'll have to defeat it!
  • Ahhh!
  • Are YOU, Tuulani, and your outsider friends.
  • Try as you might, this place is doomed. It is only a matter of time...
  • Yes! Yes! The crystal hums... just a bit of focus and...
  • Your efforts were valiant. I did not think the anchorites could power the defenses with only one of the crystals.
  • Protector! Destroy these intruders!
  • But nothing will stop my plan, nor that of my masters. And the only things in our way...
  • Yes, Tuulani. Now you see.
  • It is done! As for you, I think it is fitting that one of my tools dispatches the others...

Garrison Abilities:


  • Orcslayer
    Increases success chance when fighting orcs.