Imagine not bringing in commentary on Marksman's meteoric rise on these charts. What changed? Why are they suddenly pumping so hard compared to last week?
I’m glad they finally brought back the commentary, makes the articles useful
Well, screw "aug", if I wanted to do below-tank damage and pigeonhole my raid frames considering all the time who would get what and that'd be my game, then i'd roll a healer! To say you can't play devastation because aug is so useful to the group is the same as telling a feral or any other hybrid class "heal or gtfo" or telling your mage to roll a priest because the group needs disc heals. I don't want to play aug, I HATE it. Your entire role is different, you can't ask someone to play a different role to be wanted in groups, this is not fair. +5% dps buff to devastation will not bring us up top, it has to be like 15%. But hey, great news monks, we've taken your place as a dead-last dps. Leave us lots of beer when you leave, looks like we're in the bilge for a long long time now.
Well ... I guess things can only go up from here for WW monks. I wonder if anyone pays attention to these charts? I’d love to hear “we’re reworking windwalker” this week … Please ... (weakly) … please …
Those "buffs" to Devastation and Windwalker will bring them from absolutely terrible, to still mostly terrible.. definitely not enough.
Mages are supposed to be "glass cannons", sacrificing tankiness for damage output, but right now they are just "glass", very squishy with mediocre damage. As a class with 3 dps specs, no off-healing and relatively low utility, they should be really doing the most damage.
Only chance I will ever buy the next expansion War Within if they rework WW completely. What a *!@#show of a spec it became since its release. it's a shame.
All these strength melee seem to be struggling except for Fury. Are they being balanced around the legendary?Are you only supposed to bring them after they've farmed it in Heroic? What's going on? Didn't Ret get a re-work this expansion? #22?
Damn twenty one specs higher than retribution pally. Better nerf it's tier set again.
Hope Blizz Read this WW Does need some love. My Lil Toe Hurt right now
>moves marksman up 19 tiers>doesnt explain why> leaves
Mage was only good for half of a patch for the entire expansion, LMAO.
I miss the time when mage had at least one good spec, since Dragonflight began it's either all good or all bad.
More assa nerfs