간단 정보

[Diplomat Ring]

[Bring the requested materials to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind Cathedral.]
아케이나이트 주괴 (2)
산의 피 (3)
푸른 사파이어 (3)


[The diplomatic gift you assembled has reached the Forsaken priest Dietrich Praice, and I have made discreet contact with them. We both agree this search should be kept among the faithful. If the shards can be used as a weapon, it is best that they not fall into the hands of either faction's leaders. We have devised a secret means of identification for those seeking the shards. Bring me materials to forge a ring that will contain a sliver of one of the shards.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84326))

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