간단 정보

[Diplomatic Overtures]

[Gather the supplies and deliver them to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind Cathedral.]
두꺼운 룬매듭 붕대 (6)
일급 치유 물약 (4)
거대한 알 (8)
스트라솔름 성수 (4)


[<name>, as I have studied the shard of light you brought, it has granted me visions. I see a priest of the Horde finding a similar shard, and I see the Alliance and Horde coming together in a surge of light. Unfortunately, our relations with the Horde have continued to decline. I suggest putting together a diplomatic gift as a gesture of cross-faith goodwill. Bring these supplies to me, and we will see if we can open a dialogue between our people.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84324))

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