간단 정보

[Elemental Aid]

[While many inhabitants of Thousand Needles are our enemies, we can't stand by and watch them get washed away. The note was clear, they plan to raise an undead army in the aftermath, which potentially threatens us all.

We are ill equipped to deal with this, but I've heard of a shaman on the Eastern Kingdoms who's proficient in the elemental imbuement of weapons, they might be capable of helping.

Find this shaman and plead for their aid.]


[I've heard of Hirzek, and the barbaric lengths they have gone to manipulate the elements.

<Rau's eyes wander as he ponders the note, speaking to himself aloud.>

The storm will rage, the ground will rumble, and the tide will rise...

<Rau's eyes focus you and widen as he comes to the realization.>

They must be using some cruel sorcery they learned from Hirzek. They plan to flood the canyon and raise us all into undeath.

To achieve their goal, I fear they require devastating elemental powers.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(79360))

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