간단 정보

[The Eye of Bhossca]

[Find The Eye of Bhossca inside of the Scarlet Monastery. Then, return it to C's dead drop near Pyrewood Village. You must complete the job alone.]
보스카의 눈 (1)


[<A note sits in the chest> Glad to have you back, <name>. The latest object of my desire is an artifact known as the Eye of Bhossca. My sources tell me the eye is somewhere within the Scarlet Monastery. As with Shadowfang Keep, you must infiltrate the monastery alone. It may behoove you to find a disguise before going in. It will make getting around a touch easier. I'm sure you could find something on the monastery's grounds. Return the eye here, and payment will be delivered as before. - C]

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이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78676))

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