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Blizzard on Fyr'alath & Nasz'uro Legendary Upgrading & Discounts - Hotfix Applied With Another Incoming
01/05/2024 à 14:53
Blizzard has applied a hotfix allowing the Dragonflight Legendaries
Fyr’alath le Pourfendeur de rêve
Nasz’uro, l’héritage délié
to be upgraded. They're currently working on a second hotfix that would apply the appropriate
crest and flightstone discounts
Savvy players may want to forego upgrading their legendaries until we can confirm the discount hotfix.
The first of two hotfixes went live about 30 minutes ago. The items can now be upgraded.We have a second hotfix in the works that will apply the stone/crest discounts as expected.
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