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[Uther's Tomb]

[Take the Blood of the Lightbringer and speak with High Priest Thel'danis there to determine the authenticity of the relic.]
[Meditate on the Light at Uther's Tomb] (1)
Sangre del Iluminado (Provisto) (1)


[Before we are hasty to make assumptions about the authenticity of that sample, we should verify that is real. It's going to be difficult to tell for sure, but we may be able to gain some insight by taking this sample to Uther's Tomb in the Western Plaguelands. Speak with the Priest there, Thel'danis. He is a diligent scholar on the life of the lightbringer. With any luck, he can divine its authenticity.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(85030))

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