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[A Simple Container]

[You didn't think I'd be making some crazy weapon for ya did you's? Nah, nah, nah me friend dis be a potion of protection.

Fightin' fire with fire not always be the right approach mon.

Bring a Crystal Vial to Bath'rah the Windwatcher in Alterac Mountains.]
Vial de cristal (1)


[You've done well mon. While I don't know what you be facin' out there in da Thousand Needles this will surely provide you some protection against the elements dat threaten der land.

<Bath'rah begins to shuffle through his belongings, and you can see him get a little frustrated as he searches quicker and quicker before looking up at you sheepishly.>

Well there be one more t'ing I need from you.

<His grin widens before he speaks again.>

I seem to have misplace me potion vials...]



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