Quick Facts

Target: Felstone Field

This quest is no longer available within the game.
Go to Felstone Field in Western Plaguelands to locate and defeat the Cauldron Lord present there. It may have a key that will allow access to the cauldron. You must have the Empty Felstone Field Bottle with you to secure a sample of the poisons used inside the cauldron.
Felstone Field Cauldron Key (1)
Empty Felstone Field Bottle (Provided) (1)


Of the four cauldrons here in the west, the one located at Felstone Field may be the easiest one in obtaining access to. The Scourge have greener troops positioned here, though they should not be underestimated.

Go to Felstone Field, northwest of Andorhal, and engage the cauldron lord there. We think it has a key that will unlock access to the cauldron. When unlocked, use this bottle to obtain a sample of the poisons inside the cauldron; we'll need it for study in developing a counter agent.




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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5216))

