Quick Facts

It's Time to Oil Up

Use Darla's Grapple to collect Irontree Oil Cans and use them to oil 7 Irontree Shredders.
Shredder oiled (7)
Irontree Oilcan (1)
Provided item:
Darla's Grapple (1)


Three things come out of Irontree Clearing: lumber, oil, and exhausted workers. The first two are pretty much the cause of the third, but I like to be efficient about things where I can.

I've got our shredders working triple unpaid overtime, and there's really nowhere in the schedule for them to get maintenance.

Use this grappling hook to nab some of the extra oil cans floating around camp and use them to oil up the shredders, would you?



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Overworked Shoulders Shredder Operator's Helmet
Efficiency Spell Mace Oil Bailer's Shield
You will also receive:
Overworked Shoulders Shredder Operator's Helmet
Efficiency Spell Mace Oil Bailer's Shield


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(28333))

