Quick Facts

Early Adoption

Place 3 Swoop Eggs in Swoop Nests and protect them until they are collected.
Swoop Egg Protected (3)
Provided item:
Swoop Eggs (1)


As the region becomes more lush, the creatures of the desert are being forced into increasingly confined spaces.

A particularly distressing result is the impending extinction of the local swoops. Predators feast on the birds and their eggs when they take nest.

I have acquired some swoop eggs from Tanaris and coated them with an irresistible pheromone. Place one in each nest you find, then protect it until a swoop comes to carry it off.

You will be doing a service to the balance of this land.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Featherlight Leggings Collector's Padded Gauntlets
You will also receive:
Featherlight Leggings Collector's Padded Gauntlets


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(14246))

