Guia Rápido
[They Grow Up So Fast]
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[They Grow Up So Fast]

[Accumulate 20 Winterspring Cub Whiskers shed by your Winterspring Cub. Bring the whiskers, 20 Runecloth, 20 Rugged Leather, and 80 gold to Rivern Frostwind.]
Bigode de Filhote de Hibérnia (20)
Runatrama (20)
Couro Rústico (20)


Dinheiro necessário: 80 (1)
Item fornecido:
Filhote de Hibérnia (1)


[I think this little fellow will be a good match for you.

This cub is going to require a lot of attention to ensure that he grows up strong and healthy. You should check up on your cub at least once each day. Feeding and caring for your Winterspring cub is the best way to build a bond of trust with him.

As your cub grows, he will shed his old whiskers and grow new ones appropriate to his size. Once your cub has shed twenty whiskers, bring him back to me along with some materials for your saddle.]


Você receberá:
Rédeas do Sabre-de-gelo de Hibérnia Primeiro Brinquedo do Filhote


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29034))

