Guia Rápido
Capturas de tela

[The Scent of Battle]

[Find 8 Mullan Gryphons and dispatch them back to their gryphon riders.]
[Mullan Gryphons found and returned] (8)
Item fornecido:
Vidoeiro Chamuscado (1)


[Don't let Duglas fool you, the Mullans have been itchin' to take wing again, and if there's anyone we'd do it for, it's Firebeard.

We left our gryphons in the Highland Forest to the south to hunt and to get away from the sounds of battle for a bit. They deserved a rest.

If you want us back in the air soon, you'd do well to help us bring our gryphons back in.

Take this piece of charred highland birch. We use it during training - as soon as they smell it, they'll come straight back to us.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27811))


