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[Fight Like a Wildhammer]

[Collect 10 Kegs of Thundermar Ale from the Thundermar Ruins. Careful - it's got some kick!]
Barril de Cerveja de Trondamar (10)


[S'not a boast to say that we Thundermars brew the finest ale in the Eastern Kingdoms. It's 220 proof. Yeah, you heard me!

As folks fled from the south to the town center, they were forced to leave behind their ale.

<Blundy pauses, allowing the gravity of the situation to soak in.>

GET IT BACK! That stuff'll turn even the stringiest of warriors into a whirlin' dervish of mouth-foaming destruction. Get them kegs! S'our only hope!]


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Braçadeiras do Ladrão de Barril Peitoral de Blundy
Abridor de Barril
Você também receberá:
Peitoral de Blundy Braçadeiras do Ladrão de Barril
Abridor de Barril


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27752))


