Guia Rápido
[Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me]
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[Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me]

[Speak to the various homeless people occupying the Jansen Stead to gather clues about the Furlbrow murders.]
[Clue #1 obtained] (1)
[Clue #2 obtained] (1)
[Clue #3 obtained] (1)
[Clue #4 obtained] (1)


[Here's the deal, kid, we've got a full-blown murder on our hands. Double homicide... Single horse... icide.

Worse yet, we're in Westfall. I could throw a rock behind me and hit a dozen hobos with motive enough to want to wipe these people (and horse) out.

Now I don't know who did this and I sure don't appreciate having to come to this dump to investigate the deaths of a couple of squatters, but I'll be damned if I don't find the perp. You want to help? Go talk to some bums. The hobo... knows.]


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Capa do Investigador do Local Fita da Cena do Crime
Manto do Equicida
Você também receberá:
Manto do Equicida Fita da Cena do Crime
Capa do Investigador do Local


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Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26209))

