Guia Rápido
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[The Corruption's Source]

[Kill Zenn Foulhoof and 8 Vile Grell in Cliffspring Hollow.]
[Zenn Foulhoof] morto (1)
[Vile Grell] morto (8)


[I rushed here as soon as I heard the news from Wizbang. I know who's behind this mess now. Zenn Foulhoof.

He came over from Teldrassil after he was chased out for performing perverse magics. The kinds of corruption he employs are not welcome among my people, and it seems he's taken it a step further this time, perhaps as some form of revenge.

Zenn's been given too many chances, it's time we remove this threat to all that is natural. Kill Zenn and his minions, and then find me back in Lor'danel.]


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Colete de Pelego de Cabra Perneiras de Malha Tecida
Cajado de Chifre de Sátiro
Você também receberá:
Colete de Pelego de Cabra Perneiras de Malha Tecida
Cajado de Chifre de Sátiro


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13529))

