간단 정보

[Fire in the Skies]

[Use the Trained Fire Hawk to kill 100 of the Flamewaker Salamanders, 40 of the Cinderweb Spiders, and 3 of the Molten Lords that are amassing in the Firelands.]
[Amassing Flamewakers slain] (100)
[Amassing Cinderwebs slain] (40)
[Molten Lords slain] (3)


[Look at that! It's incredible! Born less than two days ago and already full grown. Sadly, I suspect their life cycle is similarly short, so we'll have to take advantage of any time we have.

His training went remarkably well. I want you to be the one to take him out and unleash him on the bulk of the enemy forces gathered near Ragnaros' keep.

Show no mercy, <race>.]


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