간단 정보

[Those That Couldn't Let Go]

[Use the Holy Thurible on 12 Withdrawn Spirits in Sorrow Hill, and slay them if they react negatively.]
[Withdrawn Soul released] (12)
제공된 아이템:
신성한 훈로 (1)


[Sorrow Hill, up the road to the northeast, was one of the first places that the Argent Crusaders and Cenarion Circle were able to heal. The area is now freed of the Scourge.

However, there are still many specters of the past that, for some reason, have not passed on into the next world. They may be mourning, they may have unfinished business... or they may just be lost.

Take my thurible and use it to douse them with holy incense. One way or another, we will help them move onto the next plane.]



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