간단 정보

[Hands Off Me Dig!]

[Kill 8 Excavation Raiders, rescue 5 Bael'modan Artifacts, and acquire Twinbraid's Tools in the Bael'modan Digsite.]
발굴현장 침략자 처치 (8)
바엘 모단 유물 (5)
트윈브레이드의 도구 (1)


[Look at the chaos down there, <name>! I've instructed the foremen to save what artifacts they can. Who knows what treasures these tauren animals are like to make off with.

Can you help get a handle on things? Kill the raiders and save what artifacts you can.

While you're at it, look for my missing tools. A few quick repairs and I can get this flying machine up and running again.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25106))

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