
Throne of the Four Winds


  • The Conclave of Wind – With Siamat, Lord of the South Wind, imprisoned by the Neferset tol'vir, Al'Akir's lieutenants are vying to fill the power vacuum that now exists in the Conclave of Wind. The remaining conclave members are Anshal, Lord of the West Wind, whose gales can heal allies or poison enemies; Rohash, Lord of the East Wind, whose tempests can grind the mightiest mountains to dust; and Nezir, Lord of the North Wind, whose frigid storms have claimed more lives than all other cardinal wind lords combined.
  • Al'Akir – Gifted with great intelligence and cunning, Al'Akir the Windlord once served as the foremost tactician in the Old Gods' horrific armies. In the wake of the Cataclysm, he has aligned with Deathwing and turned his godlike powers against many of the air elementals' ancient tol'vir nemeses.


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