
[The Hex Lord's Fetish]

[Obtain the Hex Lord's Fetish from Hex Lord Malacrass in Zul'Aman.]
The Hex Lord's Fetish (1)


[Dis new warlord of da Amani, he be nothin' but an overgrown brute without da protection of a strong witch doctor and he has just dat.

Da new warlord's ally be Hex Lord Malacrass, da most feared witch doctor to walk among da Amani in decades. Without da hex lord's say-so, Daakara won't be submitting his people to da control of da Zandalari.

Defeat Hex Lord Malacrass, bring me his favorite fetish, and I be seein' that ya get a fittin' reward.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Voodoo Hunting Bow Fetish Greaves
T'wansi's Handwraps
Riceverai anche:
Tattered Hexcloth Bag T'wansi's Handwraps
Fetish Greaves Voodoo Hunting Bow


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29186))

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