
[The Source of Their Power]

[Slay Siamat.]
[Siamat] ucciso (1)


[We managed to do extensive scouting before our crew was ambushed.

We discovered that Deathwing's envoy, Siamat, is giving the Neferset their newfound power.

They claim it has restored them to the greatness of old, but something else has happened. Their very souls have been corrupted.

As one of the four winds, Siamat is incredibly powerful. But that power has been drained considerably by this process.

Strike now, while it is possible for you to slay him and bring an end to this madness.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Blight-Lifter's Mantle Treads of the Neferset
Ramkahen Front Boots
Riceverai anche:
Treads of the Neferset Ramkahen Front Boots
Blight-Lifter's Mantle


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