
[The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror!]

[Get in the arena at the Crucible of Carnage and defeat Emberscar the Devourer!]


[Emberscar the Devourer defeated] (1)


Giocatori suggeriti: 5 (1)


[We've got someone you'll really love to hate this time around. I wasn't sure at first if I should let him into the pit, but a fight's a fight! And who am I to turn down some guaranteed cash?!

This guy hails from the Twilight Citadel itself, and comes toting a toasty punch. Better move fast and watch your back! Just give me the word when you're ready for some action.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat Laquered Lung-Leak Longknife
Calder's Coated Carrion Carver Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator
Very Manly Staff Big Bendy Blasting Bow
Riceverai anche:
Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator Calder's Coated Carrion Carver
Very Manly Staff Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat
Big Bendy Blasting Bow Laquered Lung-Leak Longknife


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27868))

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