
[Assault on Stonard]

[Slay 6 Stonard Defenders.]
[Stonard Defender] ucciso (6)


[This is it, <name>. We've made our final push into Stonard itself.

I shouldn't have to remind anyone, but I'll say it anyway: We're not orcs, and we're not going to become them out of revenge or spite. Stonard will not be burned to the ground for us to dance on the ashes.

No, I want this done right. I want this surgical. Hold your head high and strike down any orc that picks up a weapon.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Surgical Striker Robes of the Honorable
Leggings of the Final Assault Chestguard of Bravery
Blueheart's Helm
Riceverai anche:
Robes of the Honorable Leggings of the Final Assault
Chestguard of Bravery Blueheart's Helm
Surgical Striker


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27849))

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