
[Identifying the Brood]

[Draz'Zilb in Brackenwall Village would like you to bring him 7 Searing Tongues and 7 Searing Hearts.]
Searing Tongue (7)
Searing Heart (7)


[Whilst that craven fool, Mok'Morokk, wallows in power and Tharg wrestles the demons of sorrow and vengeance and vies for leadership of the clan, I seem to be the only one concerned with identifying the source of aggression on our old home.

Why the puzzled stare, <name>? Expecting me to speak like an uncouth ruffian merely because I am an ogre?

Now back to business, bring to me the hearts and tongues from the whelps and hatchlings. I shall trace the root of this evil...]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Brooding Mask Searing Dagger
Whelp Slaying Axe
Riceverai anche:
Brooding Mask Searing Dagger
Whelp Slaying Axe


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27414))

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