
[The Dark Side of the Light]

[Kill Interrogator Vishas and Bloodmage Thalnos.]
Interrogator Vishas ucciso (1)
Bloodmage Thalnos ucciso (1)


[I joined the Scarlet Crusade as a young paladin, eager to cleanse the world of evil. Little did I know of the dark truth to these fanatics.

Interrogator Vishas and Bloodmage Thalnos oversee this graveyard. They take great pleasure in torturing new recruits endlessly to ensure that they are 'pure'. It is an affront to the light, <class>!

No longer can I be a part of this corrupt organization. You're going to have to kill them both, so that others will never endure the same pain I did.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Helm of the Awakened Interrogator's Shackles
Gloves of the "Pure" Strapping Belt
Vishas' Hood
Riceverai anche:
Vishas' Hood Strapping Belt
Gloves of the "Pure" Helm of the Awakened
Interrogator's Shackles


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Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26972))

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