
[Researching the Corruption]

[Gather 8 Corrupt Brain Stems.]
Corrupted Brain Stem (8)


[Foolish blood elves toil with demonic magic. Have they not witnessed what happened with the naga and with the satyrs of Kalimdor?

I fear that the blood elves will meet a similar deformation. Azeroth cannot afford to give birth to another vile race of monsters.

I wish to study the brain stems of the satyr and naga so that I might deduce what fate the sin'dorei are headed toward. Try to avoid harming the stems while you kill them, I won't take anything but perfect specimens.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Dissector Shadestar Mace
Searching Wand Band of the Skull Crusher
Riceverai anche:
Dissector Shadestar Mace
Searching Wand Band of the Skull Crusher


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26884))

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