
[Hopelessly Gearless]

[Obtain 4 Purloined Polearms from the weapon racks inside of Nespirah.]
Purloined Polearm (4)


[I honestly don't know how we've survived this long. The naga took my armor and weapons, and left me with rags and a mining pick... and THAT snapped in half long ago.

If we're to stand any hope of turning the tide, I'm going to need something to fight with... as will my companions, though they may be too proud to admit it.

I've seen weapon racks in the naga storage areas nearby. I'm not accustomed to fighting with a trident, but it'll sure be better than fighting with my fists.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Beakless Polearm Dusky Pearl Ring
Sand-Scoured Protector
Riceverai anche:
Sand-Scoured Protector Dusky Pearl Ring
Beakless Polearm


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  • 250 reputazione con Horde
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25992))

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