
[Claws from the Deep]

[Collect Gobbler's Head from Gobbler and slay 12 Bluegill Murlocs of any kind.]
[Bluegill Murloc slain] (12)
Gobbler's Head (1)


[Murlocs are crawling out from the deep waters and building their villages on the coastline. They are harassing our fishers and merchants and must be stopped.

One of these murlocs, Gobbler, skulks with other bluegill murlocs and harries merchants along the road, always then retreating to the safety of the nearby murloc hovels. Our merchants are in jeopardy, and we will pay to secure them.

Gobbler prowls the river inlet north of here. Find him, slay his kin, and bring me his head.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Merchant Marine Pauldrons Merchant Marine Boots
Merchant Marine Waders Merchant Marine Sandals
Riceverai anche:
Merchant Marine Sandals Merchant Marine Waders
Merchant Marine Boots Merchant Marine Pauldrons


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25801))

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