
[Crafty Crabs]

[Collect 12 of Fiasco's Stray Parts.]
Fiasco's Stray Parts (12)


[It was that darn crab!

Here I thought that all the exercise from walking here was making me super buff! My pack just kept getting lighter and lighter. But no! That crab snipped a hole in my bag and all my parts were falling out the whole way here.

Please, help a good lookin' goblin out, will ya? Go back and help me pick up all of my stray parts. I'm sure those conniving vicious little crabs ran off with some of them too.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Part-Picker Wraps Oddly Revealing Chestguard
Pocket-Sized Mace
Riceverai anche:
Pocket-Sized Mace Oddly Revealing Chestguard
Part-Picker Wraps


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25594))

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