
[Vile Familiars]

[Kill 8 Vile Familiars.]
Vile Familiar ucciso (8)


[I trust the Valley of Trials will teach you much, young <class>.

I was sent to the Valley to guide you, but I have discovered a growing taint here...

One of the Burning Blade - a foul, demon-worshipping cult - has made camp here in the Valley of Trials. He skulks in a cave to the north, and his vile familiars have spilled from its mouth to cause havoc.

As your first task against the Burning Blade, I bid you, defeat these familiars. Slay many and, if you survive, return to me.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Vile Slippers Vile Boots
Vile Jersey
Riceverai anche:
Vile Boots Vile Jersey
Vile Slippers


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25131))

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