
[The Conquest of Azshara]

[Slay Commander Jarrodenus in Talrendis Point and collect his head.]
The Head of Jarrodenus (1)


[<name>! Was it you who piloted the wind rider who bombed the command center? It was a direct hit!

My scouts tell me that you gravely wounded Jarrodenus, flight master of the night-elven skychasers and de facto commander of the opposition.

The opportunity to strike is now - I don't have time to assemble a full assault. Rush the command center building and kill Commander Jarrodenus before his backup arrives. Bring me his head... and Azshara is ours! ]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Shield of Talrendis Point Wind Rider Wand
Shield of Azsharan Conquest
Riceverai anche:
Shield of Azsharan Conquest Shield of Talrendis Point
Wind Rider Wand


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(24439))

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