
[The Looting of Althalaxx]

[Locate Narassin's Tome among the ruins of Althalaxx and kill the Forsaken commander Teegan Holloway.]
[Teegan Holloway] ucciso (1)
Narassin's Tome (1)


[Before you rejoin the battle, <class>, something urgent has come to my attention. My scouts report that the Forsaken are scouring the ruined tower of Althalaxx to our south.

Prior to the assault, that bleak tower housed a fanatical arm of the Shadow Council commanded by the fallen highborne Athrikus Narassin. Narassin is long since dead, but if any of his work survives, we can't allow it out of our sight. Retrieve his research and kill the Forsaken commander who's plundering the ruins.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Wild Bark Boots Forsaken Belt
Narassin's Gloves
Riceverai anche:
Narassin's Gloves Forsaken Belt
Wild Bark Boots


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13844))

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