
[That Which Has Risen]

[Slay Harbinger Aphotic.]
[Harbinger Aphotic] ucciso (1)


[When I sensed these... things... rising from below, I came to put them back down. I found the corpse of your friend and dragged him as far as I could before one of my fetlocks was broken. It is all that I can do to hold off these foul tendrils.

There is one that controls the tendrils and eyes. It calls itself Harbinger Aphotic -- I'm sure that you have heard it yelling from the south.

The harbinger stands out of range of my magic, but you could get to him. If you dare....]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Ablution Slippers Somber Treads
Heartwise Boon
Riceverai anche:
Ablution Slippers Somber Treads
Heartwise Boon


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13644))

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