
[Twice Removed]

[Use the Petrified Root to raise 6 Withered Ents and dispatch the naga leader, Lady Janira.]
[Lady Janira] ucciso (1)
[Withered Ents called] (6)
Articolo Fornito:
Petrified Root (1)


[We cannot condone reckless violence - it is not our nature. However, there are times when the consequences of avoiding battle are too tangible to ignore, as is the case with these naga.

When the earth in the area shattered, a small section of ruins rose to our east. These ruins once housed those loyal to Queen Azshara, and it seems her kind have returned in search of something.

Take this petrified root. You can use it on their fallen to raise ents to aid you. Deal with them and their leader swiftly.]


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Naga Scale Bracers Mossy Boots
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Mossy Boots Naga Scale Bracers


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